Content creation is everything. It is what drives people to buy a product, try a new restaurant and spend an unspeakable amount of time scrolling TikTok.  

From podcasts to emails — they all form the content creation world. Brands and creators alike need to know about all these different forms so that they can make informed decisions on which one suits them best!

Keep reading because media update's Saads Abrahams is breaking down the types here:


Written Content

Blog Posts

Blogs are a common and widely-used form of content used by individuals and professionals for many different purposes. Blogging is able to: 

  • generate leads

  • drive web traffic

  • educate or entertain readers

  • optimise for SEO, and

  • build a brand's voice.



Articles are long and in-depth forms of content used to share a lot of information. This form is found in magazines, newspapers and online publications. 


Social Media Posts

As much as social media platforms are visual, they also have a written component to it. Platforms such as X (Twitter), Threads and Reddit are heavily text-based.  

When writing for social media platforms, the content needs to:

  • be easy to read

  • use simple / informal language, and

  • grab the users' attention. 

The intention behind creating social media content is to engage with your target audience and build your brand's identity.


Ebooks and White Papers

This content form is most commonly used by businesses, as well as for B2B marketing strategies, to share their insights and demonstrate their expertise in their industry. 



These are emails that provide regular industry updates and are sent to subscribers. The goal of newsletters is to keep subscribers informed and to encourage them to continue to support the business. 

The content in newsletters consists of: 

  • subject lines

  • preheaders

  • the body of the email, and 

  • a call-to-action (CTA).


Visual Content


Infographics take text-heavy or complicated information and transform it into a visually appealing and easy-to-digest form of content. 



Image content is found everywhere — from social media platforms to billboards. 

It consists of: 

  • illustrations 

  • photography

  • branded images

  • gifs, and 

  • memes. 


Slideshows / Presentations

This is visual content used for informative and educational purposes that is mostly used by businesses and educational institutions.


Audio Content


Podcasts comprise a series of spoken-word audio episodes. Users usually need to subscribe to the series to listen to its episodes.  

Some people may think that podcasts are the same as talk radio, but podcast content differs from radio in the following ways: 

  • Podcasts have to focus on a specific topic or theme. 

  • They can vary in length — anything from a one-minute snippet to a two-hour in-depth interview is acceptable.

  • New episodes can vary in frequency — from daily, monthly to annually. 

  • Podcasters can make use of multiple formats.

  • Podcasts can cover any topic they want to. 



An audiobook is a voice recording of a book. These can either be word-for-word or abridged versions.   



This content consists of: 

  • narration for video content

  • instructional guides, and

  • advertisements.


Video Content


Long-form videos are usually information-heavy and can consist of: 

  • tutorials

  • educational, and

  • entertainment content.  

Long-form videos can usually be found on video platforms such as YouTube.  



Short-form videos give information quickly and need to be attention-grabbing to keep the users watching. Without grabbing their attention within the first couple of seconds, they are likely to scroll right past your video.  

These videos are found on platforms such as: 

  • TikTok

  • Youtube Shorts, and

  • Instagram and Facebook Reels.



These can either be live or pre-recorded video sessions that share educational or industry insights.  



Vlogs, aka video blogs, are most commonly found on social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok. Vlogs share the ins and outs of the posters' daily life or interests. 


Interactive Content

Quizzes or Surveys

This interactive content is mostly used as a marketing tool to collect feedback from your audiences. The information that is received from them can help you: 

  • find out what content your audience likes / dislikes

  • know which products to sell

  • make branding decisions, and 

  • to understand your audience. 



Polls are mostly used on social media platforms to help you not only interact with your viewers but also to get real-time feedback.


User-Generated Content (UGC)

UGC is content related to a product, service, or brand that the brand itself has not created. Rather, it's created by the everyday user. 

UGC consists of: 

  • reviews

  • blog posts, and

  • social media posts.


Additional Content

Other forms to keep in mind are: 

  • augmented and virtual reality (AR / VR)

  • live streaming, and

  • tutorials / demos. 


What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments section below. 

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If you are looking for more insights on content creation, take a look at the Types of audiences in content creation.

*Image courtesy of Canva

**Information sourced from Brafton, Hubspot and RockContent