A social media strategy is essentially a content game plan.

Keeping the game plan fresh helps sustain growth and engagement amongst your followers.

You never want your audience to get so used to your content that they are bored with it, but you also don’t want to alienate them by being too unpredictable. In other words, you should only change up your content strategy when it’s necessary.

When is that? media update’s Joreke Kleynhans has captured three key signs that your content strategy could do with a new outfit.

Your Engagement Is Stagnant or Declining

The first indicator that your content is getting old isn't necessarily your follower count but rather your engagement rate. Your engagement rate declines when your posts are still reaching a significant amount of followers but they don't feel compelled to react, share or comment on your posts.

Your followers have one foot outside the door, and you need to make them come back inside for the tea.


Trends Relating to Your Niche Has Developed

Creators need to make themselves relevant under variable circumstances. When the trends in your niche change, you need to ensure that your content is still valuable — despite the developments.

For example, the fashion trend cycle has sped up immensely in recent years. This made it expensive or simply unrealistic for fashion creators to stay on trend. To combat this, they have all niched down significantly within different style categories or started targeting a specific age group.


Your Followers Are Telling You To

I know, obvious, but hear me out …

It’s easy to get protective over content and respond defensively to outside contributions. While it's good to stand by your creative choices, you should listen and try to incorporate what your audience would like to see into the strategy.

You don’t have to bow to every request, but it might benefit your engagement — and definitely your audience loyalty!


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Social media can be a tricky world to understand, but you can make it easier by reading our article, Why You Need Video Content In 2024.

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